Not sure why, but all of the hotels were totally booked up in Lyon. I thought I would be able to just take one of the several places near the train station, but had no luck. Then it started to pour rain. By the time I found somewhere with a bed, I didn't really care that they had jacked the price up twice what the room was worth. Annoying, but after a full-day of traveling and being soaking wet, I really didn't give a damn.
I settled into the hotel, and woke up super early (yay jetlag! the only time I would ever wake up at 6am by myself) Friday morning, and took my time getting ready to go to the university for the first day of orientation and moving into my new place.
Things went pretty smoothly when I arrived at the school- they made my ID/security badge (you have to have it to open any of the doors on campus), gave me the keys to my apartment, and even hooked me up with a few students to show me around.
My new place isn't huge, but it is cute and super convenient (I even have a little balcony, how cute). I only have to walk about 50m to the classrooms and labs. Since the French love to start their classes at 8am, I figured it was easier this way than trying to find a place on my own downtown and having to commute everyday. I did that for a few months last year and wanted to die. Leaving the house at 6:30am to take two buses to school= lame. Plus, I was hoping being in the student apartments would mean that I could get to know some more students and expand my social circle a bit.
I met a few of the other international students, and some of the French students who were helping out during orientation. So far, so good, everyone seems nice and most of the French people here speak decent English. Always a plus.
Friday was a long day- I moved in, went shopping to buy essentials for my apartment (sheets, dishes, pots/pans and some food), and by the time the evening rolled around, I was EXHAUSTED, but really pleased about things.
Saturday was rainy, so instead of going out to explore my new city, I organized my clothes and my apartment, and relaxed a bit. It felt good! Other things that please me, include the fact that my apartment has super high speed internet and a bath tub. My two favorite things in life.
Sunday I am going to try to meet up with a new English-speaking friend, and then there is a soiree at the school to welcome the students back. Should be fun. The theme is centered around Lyonnais culture and food, which means I probably won't be able to eat much (it is all creamed and covered in cheese I think), but should be a good way to meet more people.
Also, on the handball side- the good news is that there is a gym in my building, with a handball court and goals, open until 2am every morning! That means I can take my ball and shoot at the goal whenever I want! Or whenever there aren't 20 people in there playing soccer :) That's fun stuff, and a weight room that is supposedly open 24/7. Haven't checked it out yet, but I will see if it has the stuff I need to keep up my viking workout program.
Yay France! My first two days have been pretty good. I'm looking forward to the next week of orientation at the school and hopefully starting handball practice (although I still don't have my handball clothes/shoes with me yet, they are still at a friend's place where I left them over the summer).
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