Friday, August 31, 2007

Jacou vs. Nimes

It's Friday, hoooray Friday! Today was pretty relaxed- I ate lunch with the kids, and then went to the movies with Thomas, the older kid, to celebrate his last day before school starts!

We went to see Harry French. I was excited though, because I am a dork and love Harry Potter. Thankfully I had already seen it in English (at midnight on opening night, because that's how I roll), so I could follow the dialogue without too much difficulty.

Sadly, I tore my contact as we were walking in, so I had to watch it with one good eye :(

Anyway- after the movie we went to pick up the little kid Maxime and then head back home for me to prepare my things for the evening. I left around 5:30pm to meet my teammates at the "McDo" so we could carpool to our match in Nimes.

Nimes is a big town for handball too, and it is only 40 minutes away. They have a champions league team on the men's side and a very good D1 program for the women. They are known as a developmental center for handball in the region, and they have a lot of young players that go there to play in the Nimes system.

When we arrived at the gym, frankly, I was expecting more! I think our Laurent Puisegeur brand-new gym is much much nicer, and probably bigger. The big plus, though, was that Nimes is sponsored by Perrier, so there was a ton of Perrier sitting around for us to drink. Love that!

I was really excited to start the game at circle, especially since we have four circles now and I had been sick earlier in the week. That was a confidence booster. We started out pretty strong, and I scored two goals again in the first ten minutes. After fifteen minutes, I was pretty beat and Laurent changed us out.

Nimes was a young team, but very very quick. What they lacked in experience and strength they made up for with their speed and fitness. They ran us up and down the court, but part of that was our fault for throwing away a bunch of balls!

We started out strong on offense and defense (even if fast-breaks looked bad), and were able to put the ball in consistantly from the backcourt. We experimented some with the 4-2 defense and then dropped back down to a 6-0 which looked strong.

In the end we won by 1, although it was way closer than it should have been. I don't even want to think about how many turnovers we had! If we can clean-up our fast break, we will be golden. Thankfully that shouldn't be too hard. If Laurent doesn't have a hard attack in the mean time!

After the game we showered and came back to Montpellier. Everyone was pretty tired so we didn't go out, especially since we were meeting the next morning at 7am to leave for the Pyranees!

Yay for winning against Nimes!

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